Sunday, February 10, 2013

DIY glitter shoes...revised

I have finally found a proper way to glitter shoes at home.
This method is much faster and much more effective than the many other ways I have attempted in the past.

- Squeeze Gem Tac glue onto paper plate.
-Shake glitter over Gem Tac blob
-Use a paint brush or sponge brush to mix together until all glitter is coated with glue
-spread mixture on clean shoe
-Let dry 24 hours!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Breathing New Life into my 3 year olds favorite shoes!

Here are my 3 year olds shoes she insists on wearing everyday! I have finally found a no fail, little mess of a way to glitter shoes...thank God!
My next post I will show step by step how to glitter shoes...the RIGHT way.